eriq the fifth

The small Internet is too big.

So, I created this blog and started looking around at other writers on Bear (and others they link to). There are so many! I haven't had time to read through even one of them, just scratched the surface and link-hopped around like I was on Wikipedia. And just like being on Wikipedia, I love it. It's like christmas.

A feeling of hope and exhilaration1 fills me. I just wanna hang around here and read and let everyones words, thoughts, pictures flow through me. And for all posts I get inspired to create my own posts. This is how the Internet is supposed to be. But the exhilaration comes with a less positive feeling: the feeling of stress of having so little time to spend here. Other things needs doing. And it's not like I can cut out Instagram or Facebook to make room for this, they are already in practicality gone.

Well, I don't wanna end in a gloomy mood. I'm still very very grateful for finding this better Internet. Looking forward to more dives into it, reading all your words. Stepping into your worlds. It's lovely.

Thank you.

  1. Had to check the spelling on that one.

#english #hope #internet