eriq the fifth

The Bartimaeus Trilogy

Many, many years ago, a friend lent me a book series called The Bartimaeus Trilogy. The first book came out in 2003, and two more followed. I was totally caught up in the world of this djinn, and have reread the books twice since my first read. If you like the following stuff in a book, you might wanna give it a try:

The author of the trilogy is Jonathan Stroud, and in the beginning of 2024 I decided to check out if he had written anything else worth reading. Visiting his site I found out that he has released a prequel to the trilogy, set in the time of King Solomon. I definitely have to check that book out. Unfortunately they did not have it in my local library. Instead I found another book series called Lockwood & Co. In my library it was sorted under youth literature, but that did not scare me off1. I read the first book, and it was amusing. It was not Bartimeus, but it was well worth the time.

So I borrowed the second book. Having read a few chapters I missed my favourite djinn so much I had to take a break and read the first book with Bartimaeus again instead. Now I'm back to the ghost chasing kids in Lockwood & Co, and the second book is evolving well, after a slow start. More about that in another post. Now go try the Bartimaeus books! Or not. It's up to you.


  1. On the contrary, I often find youth literature to be very well written and easy to get into. I believe it takes some extra skill to write in a way that attracts the young. Especially in this day and age.

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