eriq the fifth


Before we get into the real post, let me check how I'm doing on the 100 days to offload. Since this is my tenth post the maths should be straightforward: I made my first post on the 100 days on July 1. That is 35 days ago. If I keep this frequency up I'll be done in 350 days. That is less than a year. Good on me.

Today is weird. I'm used to having to cram everything into my day to get things done. Right now, my daughter is at a friends house, my fiancee is doing something up in the attic. And I just sit here. Sure, I have lots of stuff I could fill the day with, but I just sit here. I wish it was in a deep meditative state of bliss. It's not. If there wasn't raining like crazy outside I would probably be doing something outside. At least be in the hammock doing nothing. One part of me is super stressed right now, that I'm wasting time I could fill with creative stuff or at least some chore. At the very very least play Skyrim! But "nah, I don'wanna".

I have half a dozen drafts for this blog and about ten times that of ideas about what to write here. Don't feel like getting into any of them. Thus this meta post. Contributing with nothing to the tiny internet, or the world. Just using words. I'm definitely a grateful thief right now, just using words someone else invented. Can't say I give much back though. At least I could link to someone else.

I'll go get some tea. Later.


PS. This far, my guestbook has just attracted spam. Can a real person please write something there? DS.
