eriq the fifth

English words I've learned from the Mistborn Trilogy

As I've already written about, I'm reading the Mistborn trilogy. It's a massive piece, but so very well written and totally absorbing. However, Mr. Sanderson is using quite a lot of words I haven't come across before. Lucky for me (and soon you) I read it on a Kindle. That means an english definition of the word is but one long-holding-the-word away.

Many of you might already be familiar with these words, but I also know that a lot of you does not (like me) have English as their first language. Thus I'm now doing my duty and share some of my findings with you. Hopefully this will become a series of posts, since I'm about 50 % through the saga and so far have a little over 40 words collected. I will not share all those words in one post, that will be to much to take in. Please, also enjoy the Swedish translation of the word, different alternatives separated by a comma.

Word Definition Swedish Translation
Contrite adj. feeling or expressing remorse at the recognition that one has done wrong: a contrite tone Ã…ngerfull
Exorbitant adj. (of a price or amount charged) unreasonably high: some hotels charge exorbitant rates for phone calls Orimlig, Skandalös
Linchpin n. 1. a pin passed through the end of an axle to keep a wheel in position. 2. a person or thing vital to an enterprise or organization: nurses are the linchpin of the National Health Service Hjulsprint, Axelsprint, Stift
Loam n. [mass noun] a fertile soil of clay and sand containing humus. Lerjord
Merlon n. the solid part of a crenellated parapet between two embrasures.1 ?2

That's all for this time, folks!


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  1. I can gladly admit that this defintion did not help me in any way. Instead I laughed out loud, at the realisation that I have to look up three more words in the actual definition. We'll see if they show up later.

  2. Google Translate had no idea, and unfortunately I have no paper dictionary at hand when writing this. It has to do with battlements on a castle/keep/etc.

#english #literature #reading #swedish